Saturday, August 1, 2009

Singing in the Rain

Just been out for another run, there was a shower before I left so I took my new "Adidas Response Wind Jacket" with me. Glad I did because it p*ssed it down while I was out.

Found it quite hard going today, the first 5 minutes were hell and then around the 19 minute mark became difficult but each time it got easier within a couple of minutes. Man I wanted to stop at 26 minutes though, what a jessie!, I pushed on through but it didn't get any easier. Glad I didn't give in to it though.

Did some exploring around Dinton Pastures, could do with a defined route though.

While out I did enter a track in front of some other runners, male pride kicked in and I didn't want to get overtaken. I kept my head and just ran at my pace and was pleased that I wasn't overtaken. Since I'm running on my own I don't have anything to compare my pace to, I do wonder if I really slow or just average.

Found a great new website,, dedicated to running.

Think I'll go and check out the local running club soon (Reading Road Runners), see what's what.

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