Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Big 3-0!

I've not turned 30, no that happened 3 years ago, no today was the first time that I've run for 30 minutes continuously!

The plan that I'd set myself was that today would be the first of 3 15 minute run, 1 minute walk, and a 15 minute run. I've skipped these sessions because I can't see that a one minute walk will give much recovery time and it's only advantage is that it provides a physcological boost to know that you get a rest after 15 minutes. I started with the intention of taking the 1 minute rest but thought that I'd challenge myself and may have felt disappointed to have rested half way around.

I realise that this achievement isn't the greatest in the world, and that any serious runner will manage 30 minutes with ease but it's a big mile stone for me and something I hope to look back on (and laugh at) in the future.

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