Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Big 3-0!

I've not turned 30, no that happened 3 years ago, no today was the first time that I've run for 30 minutes continuously!

The plan that I'd set myself was that today would be the first of 3 15 minute run, 1 minute walk, and a 15 minute run. I've skipped these sessions because I can't see that a one minute walk will give much recovery time and it's only advantage is that it provides a physcological boost to know that you get a rest after 15 minutes. I started with the intention of taking the 1 minute rest but thought that I'd challenge myself and may have felt disappointed to have rested half way around.

I realise that this achievement isn't the greatest in the world, and that any serious runner will manage 30 minutes with ease but it's a big mile stone for me and something I hope to look back on (and laugh at) in the future.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nearly a Proper Runner

So did my last of the 15 minute run, 2 minute walk, 15 minute run session this morning. Tomorrow it's onto 15 minute run, 1 minute walk, followed by a 15 minute run. My brother, stupidly fit iron man, doesn't see the point in a 1 minute interval but I think that it's more of a physcoligical break. I'm only planning on doing this session once and then I'll move onto a 30 minute run (will that make me a "proper" runner?).

I've been reading up about fartlek training,, the plan is to introduce this into my training when I hit the 35 minute constant run mark.

The harder runs are now my favourite, the ones that feel much harder, as I feel like I'm doing something.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jersey Royal

Had two days in Jersey for work. Had a nice hotel room over looking the harbour. The hotel has a gym but 1. I Gym's bore the sh*t out of me and 2. Why use a Gym when you can run with views like this:

Did a nice 30 minute run along the sea-front, there was a lot of other runners but for some reason they were all going in the opposite direction to me! - Something I said probably.

Can't believe that I feel a lot better about the world on the days that I run, and I definately feel a high at the end of each session.

This weekend I "graduated" to running 15 minutes, walk 2 minutes, and then a 15 minute run before a cool down walk, very pleased getting closer to the magic "30 minutes running".

Monday, August 3, 2009

That Monday Morning Feeling

It took some personal pressure to get going today. I've changed from 9 minute intervals to 3 * 11 minute intervals, still with a 2 minute breakbetween. Each time I up the intervals I'm a bit daunted before the first run.

I am planning on cycling the route again this evening so that I can guage how far I've gone by I've got a feeling that it's about 5-6 Km's (hope I'm not being over optomistic).

Running around the Dinton Pastures lakes (Sandford and Black Swan) was great this morning, the sun was shining, rabbits, and ducks were out and hardly any people (unlike yesterday when my daughter and I went for a walk around the lakes and to the park).

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Singing in the Rain

Just been out for another run, there was a shower before I left so I took my new "Adidas Response Wind Jacket" with me. Glad I did because it p*ssed it down while I was out.

Found it quite hard going today, the first 5 minutes were hell and then around the 19 minute mark became difficult but each time it got easier within a couple of minutes. Man I wanted to stop at 26 minutes though, what a jessie!, I pushed on through but it didn't get any easier. Glad I didn't give in to it though.

Did some exploring around Dinton Pastures, could do with a defined route though.

While out I did enter a track in front of some other runners, male pride kicked in and I didn't want to get overtaken. I kept my head and just ran at my pace and was pleased that I wasn't overtaken. Since I'm running on my own I don't have anything to compare my pace to, I do wonder if I really slow or just average.

Found a great new website,, dedicated to running.

Think I'll go and check out the local running club soon (Reading Road Runners), see what's what.