Thursday, July 30, 2009

9 Minutes and The Missed Opportunity

I'm currently running 3 * 9 minute intervals, with a 2 minute walk and then finishing off with a 5 minute run before I cool down.

I've been away on business this week and it's the first time since I took up running. Yesterday I woke up early and decided that I'd go have a run and an explore. Not knowing the area at all I thought it was best to run one way and turn back at the half way point, now would you believe it on my way back I noticed a sign for a nature reserve (that I'd run past on the way out) quite near my hotel. What a bummer, I ran all the way along the roads when I could have had somewhere nice to run. The lesson here - keep your eyes open when you're running.

Hopefully I'll have the inclination, and energy, to spend 20 minutes on the cross trainer when I get home tonight, we'll see......

Tomorrow is going to be the last of 3 sessions at 9 minutes before I move up again to 11 minutes. It's only been a 3 weeks since I was running 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes.

Roll on October for the Dourney 10K.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

First Steps

First things first who am I?

My name is James and I live in Berkshire, England. I'm a 33 year-old married, father of one gorgeous daughter, IT Consultant. Over the last few years I've discovered I'm not immortal, I have an under active thyroid and depression.

Why have I started running?

1. Getting the same waist line as my eldest brother (43) - It's quite scary to see yourself in 10 years time you know!

2. For the last two years I've taken part in the London to Brighton bike ride and on the second attempt rode the whole way (including up the dreaded Ditchling Beacon). So there's no challenge there.

3. I suffer from depression and found the cycling made me happier but took too much out of my day.

4. I want to challenge myself and a half marathon seems like a good place to start.

The plan for this blog is simple, to keep track of the highs and lows of my running, to share my experiences and to have something to look back on when I complete a Half Marathon next year (that's my goal).